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What is Intel Speed Shift Technology | Medium Media

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Intel Speed Shift Technology allows nan processor to straight power its wave and voltage without going done nan operating system. This allows nan processor to respond much quickly to workload changes and prime nan optimal P-state for nan task astatine hand.

With my 12th Gen Intel Core i7 processor, I usage my laptop for various tasks, including gaming, video editing, and package development. I person noticed that nan Intel Speed Shift Technology importantly impacts my laptop’s capacity and artillery life. For example, erstwhile I precocious played nan video crippled Cyberpunk 2077 connected my laptop without Intel Speed Shift Technology enabled, I was getting astir 50 frames per 2nd (FPS) connected average. When I enabled Intel Speed Shift Technology, I sewage a accordant 60 FPS. This was a noticeable capacity improvement, and it made nan crippled overmuch much enjoyable to play.

In this article, I will stock pinch you really you tin alteration Intel Speed Shift Technology and talk its pros and cons. I will besides comparison it to different move wave scaling technologies, specified arsenic Turbo Boost and SpeedStep, and supply personification recommendations. So, let’s begin.

Overview of Intel Speed Shift Technology

Intel Speed Shift Technology is simply a move wave scaling exertion that allows nan processor to quickly modulation betwixt different P-states (power states). P-states are different operating frequencies and voltages that nan processor tin tally at. Intel Speed Shift Technology allows nan processor to prime nan optimal P-state for nan task astatine hand, which tin amended capacity and artillery life.

Intel Speed Shift Technology allows nan processor to straight power its wave and voltage without going done nan operating system. This allows nan processor to respond much quickly to workload changes and prime nan optimal P-state for nan task astatine hand.

Here are immoderate of nan benefits of utilizing Intel Speed Shift Technology:

  • Improved performance: Intel Speed Shift Technology tin thief amended capacity by allowing nan processor to modulation quickly to a higher P-state. This tin beryllium beneficial for gaming, video editing, and 3D rendering tasks.
  • Increased artillery life: Intel Speed Shift Technology tin besides thief to summation artillery life by allowing nan processor to run astatine a little P-state erstwhile nan workload is little demanding. This tin use tasks for illustration web browsing and moving successful a connection processor.
  • Reduced power generation: Intel Speed Shift Technology tin besides thief to trim power procreation by allowing nan processor to run astatine a little P-state erstwhile nan workload is little demanding. This tin beryllium beneficial for laptops and different mobile devices.

The mostly of modern Intel processors travel pinch Intel Speed Shift Technology turned connected by default. However, you whitethorn request to alteration it successful BIOS/UEFI aliases Windows if it is not already enabled.

Here are immoderate of nan times erstwhile you should usage Intel Speed Shift Technology:

  • When gaming
  • When video editing
  • When 3D rendering
  • When performing different demanding tasks
  • When you want to widen your artillery life

How to alteration Intel Speed Shift Technology

You tin alteration Intel velocity displacement exertion successful BIOS/UEFI and Windows. Some motherboards mightiness not beryllium capable to alteration Intel Speed Shift Technology successful BIOS aliases UEFI. If your motherboard does not person this option, you tin still alteration Intel Speed Shift Technology successful Windows.

To alteration Intel Speed Shift Technology successful BIOS/UEFI, travel these steps:

  1. Restart your machine and participate BIOS/UEFI. You tin do this by utilizing keyboard keys, Shift + Restart, nan Command prompt, aliases done settings.
    1. When utilizing keyboard keys, restart your machine and property nan correct cardinal corresponding to your strategy to entree UEFI/BIOS. The circumstantial cardinal needed could beryllium F1, F2, aliases F10, depending connected your computer’s manufacturer. You tin usually place this key’s location connected nan little near aliases correct broadside of your footwear surface arsenic your machine starts up.
    2. When utilizing Shift + Restart, entree nan Advanced Startup Options, clasp down nan Shift key, and click nan Restart Power option. Your machine will past initiate nan Advanced Startup Options screen. Once this surface is visible, take Advanced options, and from there, prime Firmware settings, and your machine will reboot into BIOS/UEFI.
  1. Using nan Command Prompt, unfastened it pinch admin privileges, type nan following, and deed Enter: shutdown /fw /r. /fw: Combine pinch a shutdown action to origin nan adjacent footwear to spell to nan firmware personification interface. /r reboots nan computer. The default is 30 seconds, and erstwhile nan machine restarts, you will spot “You’re astir to beryllium signed out.” You will spot nan Startup Menu. Press F10 to proceed. The F10 is for my partner’s HP desktop. It could beryllium different for your laptop aliases PC.
  2. Using Windows, spell to Settings, past proceed to Update and Security, followed by Recovery, and finally, prime Advanced Options. From nan Advanced Startup Options screen, take Advanced Options again, and past prime Firmware Settings.

Your machine will acquisition an automatic restart, directing you to nan firmware settings.

  1. Go to nan Advanced aliases Performance settings.
  2. Look for nan Intel Speed Shift Technology mounting and alteration it.
  3. Save your changes and exit BIOS/UEFI.

This measurement didn’t activity for me, but it worked for my partner, truthful I tried activating it done Windows.

To alteration Intel Speed Shift Technology successful Windows, travel these steps:

  1. Open nan Control Panel.
  2. Go to Hardware and Sound > Power Options.
  3. Click connected “Change scheme settings” adjacent to your existent powerfulness plan.
  4. Click connected “Change precocious powerfulness settings”.
  5. Expand nan processor powerfulness guidance section.
  6. Expand nan strategy cooling argumentation section.
  7. Set nan Intel Speed Shift Technology mounting to Enabled.
  8. Click OK to prevention your changes.

Once you person enabled Intel Speed Shift Technology, you should announcement an betterment successful capacity and artillery life, particularly erstwhile performing demanding tasks.

Additional tip: If you are experiencing immoderate problems pinch Intel Speed Shift Technology, you tin effort disabling it and spot if that resolves nan issue. You tin besides effort updating your BIOS, UEFI, and chipset drivers.

Intel Speed Shift Technology vs. Turbo Boost

Intel Speed Shift Technology and Turbo Boost are some technologies that tin amended nan capacity of your processor. However, they activity successful different ways.

Intel Speed Shift Technology is simply a characteristic that helps your processor respond faster to changes successful workload. This tin lead to amended capacity and artillery life, particularly for games and different demanding tasks.

Turbo Boost is simply a exertion that allows nan processor to tally supra its guidelines timepiece velocity erstwhile needed. This tin amended capacity for demanding tasks specified arsenic gaming, video editing, and 3D rendering.

Here is simply a array that summarizes nan comparison of Intel Speed Shift Technology and Turbo Boost:

FeatureIntel Speed Shift TechnologyTurbo Boost
GoalImprove wide capacity and artillery life.Improve capacity for demanding tasks
MethodDynamic wave scalingClock velocity boosting
When to useAlwaysFor demanding tasks

Intel Speed Shift Technology vs. SpeedStep

Intel Speed Shift Technology and SpeedStep are move wave scaling technologies that let nan processor to set its timepiece velocity and voltage to amended capacity and powerfulness efficiency. However, location are immoderate cardinal differences betwixt nan 2 technologies.

SpeedStep was introduced successful 2000 and is nan older of nan 2 technologies. It useful by adjusting nan processor’s timepiece velocity and voltage successful consequence to changes successful workload. SpeedStep tin besides put nan processor into a slumber authorities erstwhile it is not being used, which tin thief prevention artillery life.

Intel Speed Shift Technology was introduced successful 2013 and is nan newer of nan 2 technologies. It useful likewise to SpeedStep but tin set nan processor’s timepiece velocity and voltage much quickly. This tin lead to amended capacity and artillery life, particularly for demanding gaming and video editing tasks.

Here is simply a array that summarizes nan comparison of Intel Speed Shift Technology and SpeedStep:

FeatureIntel Speed Shift TechnologySpeedStep
Release date20132000
Speed and voltage adjustmentFasterSlower
BenefitsBetter capacity and artillery life, particularly for demanding tasksImproved capacity and powerfulness efficiency
When to useFor demanding tasks specified arsenic gaming and video editing. When you want to get nan champion imaginable capacity from your processorFor general-purpose tasks specified arsenic browsing nan web and moving successful a connection processor When you want to widen artillery life

Pros and cons of utilizing Intel Speed Shift Technology


  • Improved performance
  • Increased artillery life
  • Reduced power generation


  • It whitethorn trim nan lifespan of nan processor.
  • It whitethorn origin instability successful immoderate systems.


In conclusion, Intel Speed Shift Technology is simply a newer and much precocious technology. It offers amended capacity and artillery life, particularly for dense tasks. It is enabled by default connected astir modern Intel processors, is easy to use, and does not require immoderate typical configuration.

To bask nan apical capacity of your laptop while gaming, rendering 3D, aliases editing videos, make judge that nan Intel Speed Shift Technology connected your strategy is enabled. This will let you to get nan champion imaginable performance, trim power generation, and amended artillery life for your system. Also, support your BIOS/UEFI and chipset drivers up to date.

Thanks for reading.