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Pikmin 3 Release Date And Timings In All Regions | Medium Media

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Curious astir erstwhile Pikmin 3 will beryllium released?

You’ve travel to nan correct place!


What is nan merchandise day of Pikmin 3?

There are really 2 merchandise dates for Pikmin 3:

  1. Pikmin 3 for Wii U: Released connected July 13, 2013, successful Japan, pinch consequent releases successful Europe, Australia, and North America connected July 26, 27, and August 4, 2013, respectively.
  2. Pikmin 3 Deluxe for Nintendo Switch: Released connected October 30, 2020, worldwide. This is an enhanced larboard of nan original game, featuring improved visuals, caller side-story missions, and co-op multiplayer.

Expected value of Pikmin 3

The expected value of Pikmin 3 is group astatine $60, positioning it wrong nan emblematic value scope for caller releases connected nan Nintendo platform. This pricing reflects not only nan game’s value and extent but besides aligns pinch nan modular marketplace rates for awesome gaming titles.

By mounting this value point, Nintendo intends to make Pikmin 3 accessible to a wide assemblage while underscoring nan game’s worth arsenic a high-caliber, immersive experience.

Expected value of Pikmin 3

The Official Dates And Times For Pikmin 3

Below is simply a broad array listing nan charismatic merchandise dates and times for Pikmin 3 crossed various regions:

Region Pikmin 3 (Wii U) Pikmin 3 Deluxe (Switch) Time Zone
Global (Nintendo eShop) N/A October 30, 2020 12:00 AM PST
North America August 4, 2013 October 30, 2020 3:00 AM EST
Europe July 26, 2013 October 30, 2020 8:00 AM GMT
Australia July 27, 2013 October 30, 2020 7:00 PM AEDT
Japan July 13, 2013 October 30, 2020 0:00 JST

This array ensures players worldwide cognize precisely erstwhile they tin commencement their adventures successful nan enchanting world of Pikmin 3.

Will Pikmin 3 support cross-platform play?

Unfortunately, Pikmin 3 does not support cross-platform play. This intends players connected nan Wii U type cannot play pinch players connected nan Deluxe type connected Nintendo Switch, nor tin players connected either type play pinch friends connected immoderate different platform.

Will Pikmin 3 support cross-platform play

Pikmin 3: Gameplay

Pikmin 3 offers an in-depth and engaging gameplay acquisition that builds upon nan foundations group by its predecessors. Players will navigate done a rich, vibrant world, utilizing different types of Pikmin to lick puzzles, flooded obstacles, and conclusion enemies.

The crippled introduces caller Pikmin types, each pinch unsocial abilities, adding layers of strategy to nan gameplay. Real-time decision-making, assets management, and biology relationship are cardinal aspects that supply a challenging yet rewarding experience.

Pikmin 3 Characters

Main Playable Characters:

  1. Alph
  2. Brittany
  3. Captain Charlie
  4. Olimar (Optional successful Deluxe)

Other Important Characters:

  1. Louie
  2. President Koppai
  3. The Narrator
  4. The Bulborb King
  5. The Quasar King
  6. The Plasm Wraith
  7. The Emperor Bulblax
  8. The Empress Bulblax

Pikmin Types:

  1. Red Pikmin
  2. Yellow Pikmin
  3. Blue Pikmin
  4. White Pikmin
  5. Purple Pikmin (Deluxe only)
  6. Rock Pikmin (Deluxe only)
  7. Winged Pikmin (Deluxe only)

Pikmin 3 Characters

Pikmin 3 Editions

There are 2 main versions of Pikmin 3 pinch different editions:

Pikmin 3 (Wii U):

  1. Standard Edition: This was nan only version available, offering entree to nan afloat crippled without immoderate bonuses.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe (Nintendo Switch):

  1. Digital Deluxe Edition: Includes nan guidelines game, all DLC stages from nan original release, and caller side-story missions featuring Olimar and Louie.
  2. Physical Standard Edition: Contains nan guidelines crippled connected a cartridge.
  3. Physical Deluxe Edition: Includes nan guidelines crippled connected a cartridge, a beingness creation book, and a figurine of Alph.

Pikmin 3 Minimum System Requirements

Pikmin 3 (Wii U):

  1. Console Compatibility: You request a Wii U console to play Pikmin 3.
  2. TV Connection: You request a TV and an HDMI cablegram to link nan Wii U console and show nan game.
  3. Controller: You request a Wii U GamePad controller to play nan game. You tin besides usage a Wii Remote Plus and Nunchuck operation for a different power scheme.

Pikmin 3 Deluxe (Nintendo Switch):

  1. Console Compatibility: You request a Nintendo Switch console to play Pikmin 3 Deluxe.
  2. TV aliases Handheld Mode: You tin play nan crippled connected your TV utilizing an HDMI cablegram aliases successful handheld mode connected nan Switch’s screen.
  3. Controller: You tin usage nan Joy-Con controllers attached to nan Switch console aliases abstracted Joy-Con controllers successful handheld mode.

Pikmin 3 Minimum System Requirements


Pikmin 3 is poised to beryllium a standout title successful Nintendo’s lineup, offering a unsocial blend of strategy, adventure, and charm.

With its upcoming release, gamers astir nan world are eagerly anticipating nan chance to dive backmost into nan captivating world of Pikmin, experiencing nan caller adventures that await pinch Alph, Brittany, and Charlie. Whether you’re a long-time instrumentality aliases caller to nan series, Pikmin 3 promises to present an unforgettable gaming experience.


Will Pikmin 3 Work On Xbox?

No, Pikmin 3 is simply a Nintendo Switch exclusive and will not beryllium disposable connected Xbox.

What is nan size of Pikmin 3 successful GB?

The size of Pikmin 3 is astir 4GB.

Is Pikmin 3 nan past crippled of nan series?

No, Pikmin 3 is not nan past crippled of nan series. There are plans for a 4th Pikmin crippled successful nan future.

Who owns nan Pikmin 3 franchise?

The Pikmin 3 franchise is owned by Nintendo.